Background: Overweight or obesity due to consumption of foods that exceed the needs of Nutrient Adequacy Score (NAS) per day. The situation over nutrition can also increase the risk of increased cholesterol in the blood. This indicates that the problem of overweight and obesity need to get attention, given the issue is also a risk factor for degenerative diseases.

Target of Research: To know the relationship between rate of lipid with obesity in patient productive age (45-59 years) and has nutritional counseling in 2009 at Nutrition Polyclinic Hospital Prof. Dr. Margono Soekarjo Purwokerto.

Research method: The method used in this analytic descriptive study design was retrospectif. Samples from the study were 33 patients nutritional consultation ever in 2009 at the Polyclinic Hospital Nutrition Prof. Dr. Margono Soekarjo Purwokerto.. The statistical analysis used was Chi Square test with a significance of 5%.

Result of research: The majority of over weight patients at the Polyclinic Hospital Nutrition Prof. Dr. Margono Soekarjo Purwokerto male sex (51.5%), and aged 45-50 years (42.4%). Majority of patients have cholesterol levels ≥ 200 mg / dl (93.9%), and patients had triglyceride levels ≥ 150 mg / dl (97.0%). Value cohort relationship between nutrition status cholesterol levels obtained by RR 0.867 (95% CI. 0.711 to 0.1057). Value cohort relationship of nutritional status with higher levels of triglycerides obtained by RR 0.933 (95% CI. 0.815 to 0.1069)

Conclusion: There was no relationship between nutrition status with rate of cholesterol levels (p value = 0.199). There was no relationship between nutrition status wit rate of triglyceride samples (p value = 0.455).

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